Our Institute was consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus from the first moment of its existence. Also, in the historical moments of our origins, our spiritual orientation found its expression in the devotion to the Sacred Heart.
While nurturing the project of our foundation and praying for guidance of the Holy Spirit with perseverance, Sister Marie and I implored God to reveal to us the title under which to consecrate the “bon oeuvre”. We were then inspired to dedicate it to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to give the Sisters the name: Daughters of the Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. J.M.Catroux.
Father Catroux and Mother Marie referred to this “inner being of Jesus” as the center of His person where God embraces mankind; as the source from which his thoughts, dispositions, feelings and actions emanate; as the fountain from which God’s salvation for mankind springs forth; as the inexhaustible source of graces for ourselves and for the entire Church.
The mystery of the proximity of God,
the living God among us,
is realized in the Heart of Christ.
Jesus Christ is the center where all converges,
where the alliance between God and humankind takes place.
We must refer to the Bible in order to know the original Hearth (fireplace) that generates life. In the Bible the word ‘heart’ usually refers to ourselves (us) and speaks to ourselves (us). The word ‘heart’ signifies our inner depth, the center of our being where we experience the “I”; the center from which springs forth both our physical and spiritual life, indissolubly united. From this intimate center, our thoughts, our will, our affective life and our decisions originate. From this we open up or close up towards God and others. This center gives rise to kindness or mischief. It gives voice to our conscience, brings about conversion; in it the interior attitudes and exterior behaviour take root. Whatever multiple expressions we use, no single word suffices to express what the Bible puts under the word ‘heart’.”
Quoted from p. 21 of the book:Les Filles de la Charité du Sacré-Coeur de Jésus
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FCSCJ - Filles de la charité du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus
Maison Provinciale FCSCJ
575 rue Allen
J1G 1Z1