The extension of our religious family in several continents invites us to become more aware of our belonging to an international Congregation.
Our charism is a challenge for us to live in communion beyond distances and our differences. We believe in the strength of the ties that unite us.
The times of meetings and sharings between Sisters from different provinces strengthen our ties. Welcoming cultural differences, sharing gifts, are a source of mutual enrichment, of reciprocal knowledge and understanding.
The variety of establishments of our communities allows us :
"The international character
of the Congregation opens
our hearts and minds to the universality of the Church,
to the hopes and distresses
of the world."
Rule of Life: 2.3
July 2007,
Feast at La Salle de Vihiers,
Sisters from RSA and Lesotho.
July 2007
International Feast
at La Salle de Vihiers
Sisters from Madagascar
and Tahiti
july 5,2009
Thanksgiving Mass
for the 50 years of the foundation at Andapa, Madagascar
FCSCJ - Filles de la charité du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus
Maison Provinciale FCSCJ
575 rue Allen
J1G 1Z1